Channing Peake Art Exhibition
Fifty years of artwork inspired by the landscape you know today as none other than, The Peake Ranch. Join us as we revist the history and welcome home the life’s work of our land’s namesake, Channing Peake.
VIP Reception 1pm – 2pm: Savor delectable wine and engage in an inspiring discussion with Curator Cheri Peake and Arts Professional Elizabeth Raber.
General Reception 2:30pm – 5:30pm: Mingle with collectors, artists and friends alike and enjoy large scale tapestry pieces and paintings from Channing Peake’s years spent in France and Mexico.
“Sometimes Twice: A Peake Ranch Homecoming” – Secure your reservation and tickets via TOCK: https://www.exploretock.com/peakeranchwinery/ or contact [email protected].